Let's Talk

Trying the Gideon Method to Manage My WIPs

Hello and welcome to my little explanation of a knitting productivity I am planning to give a go in the coming months! While my February was great for getting my WIPs down from 8 to 5, I find that I still need a bit of motivation and focus. I would like to make something very clear, I actually learned about this in one of my knitting zoom groups that I am a part of where these two blog posts were shared. The first is by knit365 and the second is Wool and Honey. I am building my knowledge of this method mainly off of their posts and not much more.

The Rules

  1. Pick 5 projects from your WIP pile
  2. Create a priority list/order
  3. You work on the first project for 12 hours or until it is complete, which ever comes first.
  4. If it is not finished within the 12 hours, it is placed at the bottom of the pile and you move onto the next project, rinse and repeat.

There are some bonus things that I noticed that I am not quite sure I am going to follow. The first is when one is finished you can cast-on a new project. I think I will save this new cast-on for when the mood strikes not just automatically. I say this because I am a huge mood knitter so I want to have a little bit of flexibility to save for when I am really craving something new. The second is keeping the five projects in a special basket. I am just going to continue storing my projects as I have been because it works for my environment.

My 5 WIPs in Priority Order

  1. Bliss Cardigan Test Knit for Winter’s Weather Knits
  2. Coorie In Poncho by Amy Palko
  3. Sastrugi Tree Skirt by Amy Gunderson
  4. Brienne by Brienne Moody
  5. OPEN!

As you can see from my list, I only have 4 WIPs that I am focusing on at this point in time. I am leaving one spot open for that new cast-on mood hits. I am also going to continue to work on my Scrappy Sunday Blanket on Sundays to get that under control as well. I have so many scraps to add it is not even funny at this point! I also plan on keeping track of the time spent on each project using clockify which I have on my desktop and as an app on my phone for ease of tracking. It will also stop me from rounding up so I can switch faster than I should be.

Anyway, this is the knitting plan I am going to try at least for the month of March. Depending on how it goes and how I enjoy it, I might continue beyond that. I decided a month based on the idea that it is a good chunk of time, but not too long where if it is not working I feel trapped by it.

Thanks for Reading! ClassicBhaer.com

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