Bullet Journal & Planning

My 2024 Hobby Bullet Journal

Hello and welcome to another post! Today I am going to me sharing a look inside my 2024 Hobby Bujo, which I have actually used a little bit already in 2023, I ended up running out of room for December in my old one…oops. Either way, I am looking forward to sharing some of the spreads I added to this years bujo. There is going to be some reading spreads, knitting spread, and more!

My first spread is of a 3×3 knitting bingo board. Last year I did a full 5×5 board, but this year I decided to just make it 3×3 to keep it fun, but keep the pressure off. The 9 items I placed on the board are; knit in public, complete a blanket, finish a pair of socks, knit while listening to an audiobook, finish a project for Mom, make a scarf and glove set, finishing a lingering project, knit a cardigan, and frog a project.

Next is a spread is my personal knitting Queue, this is a list of projects I already own yarn of. I decided to list the project name, yarn I plan on using and a pace for a checkmark once I finish it. If you want to see my entire list of my knitting queue you can do so by visiting my Ravelry.

The next section is a pace for me to keep a dynamic list of grams in and out of my stash throughout 2024. I have an area to label the month, a place to write the year, then I can write the grams under either in or out. At the end of the month I will find the total in and out and then an overall net at the end of each month for the year.

Next I doodled a bookshelf and then added the titles of books from my owned TBR. I ended up adding some extra books incase I read books from the library or end up adding more books to my shelves. \

Next is where I start to set up for January 2024. I ended up adding a little calendar to mark this new section of my notebook on the lefthand side and decided to give some fancy font a try. On the right side I ended up adding a space when I can make notes of the projects I finish and books I end up finishing as well throughout the month. I thought this would keep all this information in one handy spot instead of all over the place.

All the other pages are basically me counting and marking my current spot in patterns or little notes of changes I made to the pattern so when I am done I can add these notes to my Ravelry project page. Since these pages have details of paid for patterns I did not feel comfortable taking a picture of those. But, if you want some more details on this I am happy to explain it in a bit more detail.

Anyway, this is a look into my 2024 Hobby Bujo! I hope you found some fun spreads and as always if you have a questions about how these are working for me, feel free to ask!

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Bullet Journal & Planning

February 2023 Bullet Journal

Hello and welcome to a little peak of my bullet journal. Last month I did not share my bullet journal because I decided to try something new and if I am being honest, I loved how it worked out. I was in a way worried about sharing because I am not using my bullet journal in a typical mannor, but blending two things together. I decided to make my bullet journal a hybrid with a commonplace book as well as a brain dump. A while ago I did an experiment with the idea of a commonplace book, Let’s Talk | Using a Commonplace Book. I really liked the idea of having a single notebook to just put whatever I wanted, but at the time I made it a separate notebook. This time around I wanted to simplify my life a bit and consolidate things a little by breaking things down by month and adding my random notes, quotes, and information. Along side or in-between that would be my habit trackers, weekly plans, and whatever else I feel like adding to my bullet journal at the time.



Blog Calendar and Kanban Board

This month I decided to add a spread to see an overview of my monthly posts as well as a kanban board to better help me keep track of where I am in regards to writing, taking pictures, and scheduling items. On the left I just drew a calendar for the month of February and left it blank so I can write in my posts later on. On the right page I broke it down into four sections; ideas, written, photos, and scheduled. I also placed a few tabs where I can write the title of the post so I can move it across the page as the post is in different sections. I have used this type of tracker in the past and it really worked wonders for me staying on top of things.

Monthly Goals, Current WIPs, and Weekly Knitting Goals

The next two spreads are my monthly goals, current WIPs, and my weekly knitting goals. In regards to my monthly goals on the left-hand page I decided to try something new. I really love the look of little calendars as habit trackers and I wanted to give it a go. I decided to have a total of 5 trackers; reading, making, 10,000, no spend, and BUJO. I lined them all up on one side of the page and then next to those I added my goals and current WIPs.


  • Read 20 days
  • Make for 28 days
  • 10,000 steps 14 days
  • No spend 20 days
  • Complete 2 projects
  • Complete 1 book

Current WIPs

  • Oslo Hat (BF)
  • Hazel Neck
  • Underwing Mitts
  • Big Cozy Cardi

While all of that is on the left page, I decided to put my weekly knitting goals right next to this so everything I would need to reference goal wise is all in one place. I ended up doodling 4 trackers that look like binder or notebook paper. On each one I labeled it with one project that I wanted to work on throughout the month, not necessarily finish it. Then each line on the page was labeled a week by their numbered days, I ended up having a little of January and March in there, but I figured a little overlap is good than cutting anything off.

Weekly Spreads

Lastly, I am going to attempt to use some weekly spreads in here again. I am keeping it simple with each week having its own page. Then from there each day is labeled with the number of the day and a letter for the day of the week. Each day is then further divided into two sections labeled as, events and to do. I wanted to make sure I had a space to add a to do list, because I love a good to do list, so I broke things down this way.

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2023 Bujo Setup

Hello and welcome to a bujo set up post! One thing I really enjoy about the new year is being able to start a new notebook and setting it up for my current needs. I have been using a bujo for many years and I still feel like my set up changes constantly and is in flux, which is great because my planner/noteboook of sorts is changing right along side me. Anyway, here are the 2023 spreads I have added for the new year!

My Notebook

Bujo Cover

This year I am using a notebook from Olive and Archer, I use the dotted B5 size. This past year I saw they had a sale and ended up picking up this bright orange notebook with an antique camera on it. They seem to still have it in stock and you can find that here if you are interested in taking a closer look at this notebook.

2023 Goals

2023 Goals Pages

The first thing I decided to set up are my 2023 goals. I like to break up my goals into categories, I decided I wanted to focus on my reading, life, and maker goals this year. In regards to reading I would like to read 6 non-fiction books and get my owned TBR under 10 books. As for general life I would like to try or do something new and track my spending better. My maker goals are pretty simple as well, Knit 6 pairs of socks and create more from my yarn stash.

Reading Plans

Books to Read Spread

Since my Owned TBR is so small I decided to dedicate a page to listing the books I own and need to read. So, on the left page I just listed the titles. I ended up with 27 books. I ended up with 27 books because I actually went through all of my audio and ebooks. On the other page I ended up doodling a bookshelf filled with books and a little plant. If you want to see my owned tbr book shelf in detail, here is the link to my goodreads shelf Owned TBR.

Knitting Plans

Yearly Overview and Make 9

Since one of my goals is to make more from my stash of yarn I decided to assign all of my yarn to a project. I am not saying I can’t change what I end up making with it, but this gives me something to visualize. For these spreads on the left I decided to add a knitting overview page where each month has a square and then I added pictures of some of the projects I wanted to complete that month. I also left some free for some wiggle room too. On the right hand side I decided to add a picture of my make 9 for 2023. These are top 9 projects I really want to complete this year. I did a detailed post about each of these projects, you can find that here: My 2023 Make 9!

Winter Plans

52 Weeks of Socks and Knitting Plans for January and February

Last year I picked up a copy of 52 Weeks of Socks and this year I really want to utilize this book. So, I decided I would pick a number from a jar and knit that pattern. I picked my first number and it was #48, which I am pretty sure is Tributary by Diana Clinch. I added a page in my bujo for this project since it would likey be a year long one knitting various pairs of socks from these pages. I added the heading “Make Some Socks” printed a picture of the cover of the book and doodled so it looked like a polaroid. I then added the number of my first pick from the jar. On the righthand side I made a collage of all the things I would like to make in January and February of this year. These include, The Sophie Shawl, Hazel Neck, Velvet Mirror Cowl, Woodlark Shawl, and the Kuutar Beret.

Knitting Queue

Knitting Queue List

I also added a spread for my knitting queue, since I did all the work tracking all my yarn and connecting it to projects I decided to record what I decided. For each project I added the pattern name, yarn to use, and I made a section for month to record what month I completed the project and a place for a check mark.

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Bullet Journal & Planning

BUJO | December 2022

Hello and welcome to my BUJO for the month! This month I went festive for the fall season and really embraced pumpkins. This past week I ended up going to my local box craft store and really fell in love with the art style of this pumpkin craft paper I came across called Pumpkin Patch Paper. I decided to grab a sheet and used it to decorate this time around, which I actually ended up kinda loving so I might do it again next month. We shall see! Anyway, here is what I did for the month of October.

Items Used

Calendar and Dashboard

Monthly Calendar and Decorative Craft Paper

I decided to keep this month’s spreads very simple since chances are I will have a lot going on. December is always a ton of fun, but it can be overwhelming at times. To keep things a bit calm, I figured I would keep things clean and organized. For the monthly calendar I just labeled it December 2022 and gave each day a rectangle on a single page. On the page opposite I decided to add some craft paper that has a blue background and images of blue holly, snow, pine sprigs, and a cut of a berry spring repeated throughout the page. I had used this method to decorate my BUJO the past few months and I have really been loving it.

Monthly Goals & Advent Tracking

Goal Pages, Monthly Notes, and Advent Tracking

On the left hand side I broke the page into two sections. The top is to keep track of my monthly goals I have for myself. These include setting up budgets, connect yarn to projects, read a book, complete 24 days of Blogmas, bake cookies or another sweet, and create goals for 2023. I already completed a few of these, but have quite a few to complete still. Under that I made a space called Monthly Notes, I usually save this spot to write down fun and exciting things that have happened over the month, almost like a memory dump of sorts. It is really fun to look back at.

On the right hand side I reserved to keep track of my advent projects this year. I have three that I am thinking about activitly doing this month, but I am thinking I will be only doing two. The two I know I am doing for sure are the 24-Stripe Socks. This is where you knit a single stripe on the socks per day. These will be my Christmas socks. I picked the 2022 Advent 24-Stripe Yarn by Freckled Whimsy and I plan on using a pattern called Spinifex Socks by Helen Stewart (Ravelry). The second one is a 12 Day Advent from MadlineTosh where you get the choice of 4 patterns and the yarn to complete that project as well as a few other goodies dealing with the yarn arts. I don’t know the patterns yet, so this should be fun to find out on December 1st! The last one that is a long shot is to use my minis and leftovers over the month of December to make the Anthology Throw (Ravelry), also written by Helen Stewart. I have a feeling I wont be doing this one, but just incase I wanted to add it. I plan on coloring in the days I actively work on each project to see how I keep up with these projects.

On both of these pages I ended up using up the leftover craft paper to add some pops of color as well. I thought it would be fun to tie everything together and add make things look a bit cuter. As you can see, I really kept things bare this month, I usually have a habit tracker and some other lists, but like I said December tends to be a little much so I wanted to go easy on myself. But, there you have it, my bujo spreads for the month of December!

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BUJO | September 2022

Hello and welcome to my little home on the internet! Today I am sharing my BUJO spreads for the month of September. This month I felt a bit more inspired than I usual, so my bujo has a lot more detail than it has in previous months. I am really happy that I felt inspired because it ends up being so fun doodling and felt less like a chore that I needed to complete. Anyway, here is what I did!

Items Used

Calendar page and September 2022 Dashboard with mushroom doodles.

This months dashboard I ended up making an entire page a calendar and on the other side I doodled a bunch of mushrooms with the heading September 2022. I ended up picking mushrooms because in September where I live I tend to see a ton of them growing.

Habit tracker with mushroom doodle. Weekly Knitting Goals with four sections that look like notebook pages.

The next page I ended up adding a habit tracker, just to see if I would use it honestly. I am going to track taking my vitamins, 10,000 steps, yoga, reading, and making. I ended up continuing with the theme of the month and drew a giant mushroom to take up the rest of the space on the page. Now, the next page I am really proud of. I have my weekly Knitting goals, I honestly should have made it maker goals, but I know that for the future now. I ended up making room for 4 projects to work on and made the trackers look like notebook paper. It came out better than I expected so I am planning on doing it again because I have been enjoying it so much.

Monthly goals and Random Notes Spreads

These last two pages are ones that will get filled out as the month goes on for the most part. The one page is my monthly goals where I would like to read 4 books, I left the titles of the four books blank so I can read whatever I would like. The next two goals are knitting related where I would like to finish my current sweater WIP called Alpenglow and start another shawl called Pressed Flowers. I ended up doodling another mushroom towards the bottom of this page because while I like having goals for the month, I don’t like making goals just to fill up a page. The second page is just a space to keep random notes, it is usually where I write fun things I did or see so I remember it.

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BUJO | August 2022

Hello and welcome to a little showcase of what I did with my bujo for the month of August. I have been pretty lax with keeping up with this in recent months mainly because I was not carrying it around so much. I was putting everything on my phone and organizing my life digitally, nothing wrong with that, but not my preferred. I like textile feedback and I remember more if I write it down so I really wanted to get back to this. Anyway, here are the spreads I have done for the month of August and one for the Summer season.

Calendar page and dashboard page with name of month and picture of the beach,

I decided to keep it super simple with the dashboard page, I just added the month and year. Then I decided to dress it up a bit by adding a picture of the water hitting a rocky shore and boats in the distance. As for the calendar, I kept it simple I made a rectangle for each day and labeled the days of the week. If you like the picture I used you can find it here.

Picture of BUJO spreads; august notes and jots, my august goals, weekly knitting goals.

For August I decided to add a place to add notes about things I did or need to do. This “August Notes and Jots” page is almost like a brain dump and memory keeper combined. On the other page I placed two things related to goals I have for myself this month. The top section of this page is for general goals I have for the month of August. The bottom half is specifically for keeping up with my current WIPS or future WIPS I plan to start this month. I labeled each of the weeks in August and made a column for each project I plan on working on, but also left two blank incase I change my mind. I am not someone who can work on one project, but I want to make sure that if I have more than one or two on the go, I am actually making progress on them. I do plan on working on my Miss May Shawl, Picnic Basket Socks, and Pressed Flowers Shawl, but we shall see what I am in the mood for.

Summer 2022 Project Plans

This last spread is just a printout of an infographic I made on canva of the projects I want to complete this Summer. When I do complete one I add the date it was completed. I have done this for the past three seasons and love it, but I will say if I don’t work on one or finish one it is not a big deal either. It is just a nice visual reminder. I want to work on Miss May Shawl, Pressed Flowers Shawl, Anker’s Summer Shirt (already done), Morning Rituals Sweater and Heel Toe Do Si Do socks.

So, there are the spreads I am using this month to organize myself and keep me focused on my goals. I hope you have a wonderful month ahead of you!

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February 2022 Bullet Journal Spread

Hello and welcome to my bullet journal! In 2022 I really wanted to jump back into bullet journaling because I realized one thing when not really utilizing it. I FORGET EVERYTHING! I do have a regular planner I run around with, but it is hard to add checklists for long tern goals and similar things. So, I have thankfully been using it in January pretty consistently and if you couldn’t tell, I have actually been blogging! Anyway, I am here to show you what I have going for February.

Items Used


monthly dash and calendar

First off I really like to have a monthly dash to clearly define where one month starts and ends. I tend to just have the name of the month and an image. This month is obviously February and I added a wintery picture that shows pine branches and two silver hearts in the snow. I really liked how wintery this picture looked and how it tied in love without being over the time for Valentines Day. On the second page I just have the monthly calendar doodled. I highlighted the days I am planning on posting on my blog so they stand out a bit and they don’t pass me by. I decided to use a gray color to go with the cold wintery theme.

Habit tracker and monthly notes

This next pair of spreads start with my habit tracker, I ended up adding it last month because I wanted to really see how often I do the tasks I want to do. Most of these are fun/hobby based such as reading, fiber arts, and cross stitch. The other two are no spend and closing the rings on my watch. I really liked the idea of just layout out the number of the day and just highlighting when I meet it. When I had these in the past and needed to color things in I never did it, but a quick highlight really works for me. On the second page I have a blank page with monthly notes. Here I write down when I finish a book or haul one, a memorable event happens, or really just anything I feel like I might want to remember that happens throughout the month. It is really helpful when I do my Monthly Digest posts.

Weekly schedule and Korean study objectives

These next two sets of spreads are new to me this month. On the one side I ended up adding a weekly schedule for myself to follow. I actually made two schedules to try and then use which one works best for me. I really like having daily goals and objectives, it is just how my brain works. If I don’t I end up being unproductive or I try to be productive and get overwhelmed because I have no idea what I should be doing or what needs to be done. On the second page here I have a Korean Study page. I looked up how to write that in Hangeul, hopefully it is right, I figured I would find out for sure the more I study. Anyway, I really want to get back into language learning, I had to put it by the wayside because life got in the way like it does from time to time. I am focusing on learning Hangeul using Becoming a Hangeul Master by Talk to Me in Korean. So, I broke down the book into lessons that are a good size for me and created a study plan. I know it will most likely take more than this month, but I really wanted to get it in the BUJO!

Secret spread and Kanban Board

The last spready for the month are a bit bland, but needed by me. Sadly, the first one I can’t share so I added a recent knitting swatch to cover the title. The second page is a spread I have used in the past called a Kanban board. It is a way to help with projects by tracking where in the “production” line they are. I really wanted to use this again when it came to blog writing so I made a board with the four categories: ideas, write, photo, schedule. I am going to use tabs to write the titles and move them as I progress through my writing process.

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2022 Bullet Journal Spreads

Hello and welcome to a post where I show you some of the full year and seasonal spreads in my bujo to start off 2022! This year I am not planning on having to many monthly spreads, but I will have a few. Before I share those spreads I really wanted to share how I set up by bujo for the year. In the past I had a ton of year long spreads, which I loved how they came out, but I always ended up forgetting halfway through the year. I decided that a few yearly ones and seasonal spreads were probably the best way to remedy this!

Items Used

The Notebook

discussed notebook

Before I get into my spreads, this year I tried something different with my notebook. I ended up getting a B5 size instead of the “traditional” smaller notebooks. I always found myself wanting a little bit more room and thankfully the brand of notebooks I have been using for YEARS had this size. I ended up picking up this green notebook with a gold teapot on its cover. The pages of these notebooks holds up wonderfully to all of the materials I have used now and in the past and I love the fabric feel of the hardcover.


Goals Spread

This year I decided to do something very similar to something I have done in the past inspired by @Silva.and.Bold, now @mystic.hand on Instagram. I loved the idea of breaking goals into four distinct areas of my life that way all my goals are not just focusing on a single area of my life. So I have goals in script across both pages in the middle to break the pages up horizontally and use the natural divide of the notebook for the vertical divide. I decided to break my goals into reading, life, maker, and finance. I did not write my goals down at the time of taking this picture because I was and still am at the time of writing this working them all out. If you want to see some of my goals for 2022 that I did settle on you can find them on my post; My 2022 Goals and Challenges.

Top Books to Read page and plant doodle!

The next spread I added to my Bujo was my top books to read in 2022 page. Each year I always write down the books I am looking forward to the most to read and add them to some type of spread. This year I was inspired by @littleolivebujo on instagram to doodle a pile of books for this spread. I added a circle frame on the top to add the label, I thought it would be fun to then add a hanging plant on the accompanying page. I have not drawn in a while so I am actually kind of stunned how it actually looks like a plant.

Owned TBR Spread for the start of the year,

This next spread is one I started to do last year. Write down my owned tbr for the start of the year to help make sure I am not just reading the newer books on my shelf. It is a simple checklist that I can go back to and check them off or put a line through them if I end up DNFing or Unhauling. It is a nice easy way to keep track. I added a simple line boarder on this page, as well as with my top books to read spread, to dress it up a bit.

Winter overview and Seasonal Knitting and Crochet Plans (Pending)

So, these last two pages are a bit different than the rest. I decided to have seasonal sections to my Bujo this year so I made a Winter dashboard that has the three months it will cover and a mini calendar for each one. I kept it simple because I will be adding events and birthdays in the future and when there is a lot of writing going into a spread I have found, for me personally, the simpler the better. Now, for other page it is a complete work in progress. I want a page dedicated to the crochet and knitting projects I want to complete that season, but I am debating if I want it to be a single page spread or a double page spread. Since I have not made up my mind yet I added some bright red post-it notes until I decide so I at least have the information handy. A win for indecisiveness!

As you can see, I am really trying to keep my Bujo simple and to the minimum I find for me, at least as of late, this really works for me. I am really looking forward to giving seasonal spreads and these time frames more focus than I have in the past. I feel like breaking the year up like this will ensure I don’t leave some spreads in the past and never use them past a few months.

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Bullet Journal Jottings August 2021

Items Used

My Bullet Journal

August dashboard pages

This months calendar I took some inspiration from Happy D. Artist on youtube. I really liked how they had the month written in larger bubble letters a little behind the actually daily boxes. I did however leave off the days of the week labels because for me I don’t really need it personally. I highlighted the days I am meant to be posting on the blog so I can visually see it easier like I did in July. Lastly I added some pothos doodles to fill in the empty space. I have never really drawn this plant before so it was a nice little challenge.

Book Digest and Monthly Intent pages

My next two spaces are exactly the same as last month. On the left I am planning on keeping track of the books I read arrow pointing to the left, hauled books, arrow to the right, and two arrows pointing towards each other will mark hauled and read in the month. As for my Monthly Intent, when I write those down I am just going to have a check box there to check off. I like keeping these very plain so I have a lot of room to add throughout the month without needing to use another page.

30 Day Uke and Daily Doodle Tracker

These two monthly trackers are new to me because I am in the process of learning to play the uke. I am using the 30 Day Uke Challenge by Bernadette Teaches Music so I wanted to create a tracker to make sure I am on target with my daily studies. I am really loving it so far, I started in July so I have a few boxes already shaded in.

On the right I wanted to do a daily doodle so I put this list of prompts combining lists already created by psychara_art and goretober. I am tempted to make them all houses because I loved Minnie Small‘s art dealing with houses and I thought it would be a fun challenge for myself, but also keep me from making the doodles too complicated.

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Bullet Journal Jottings July 2021

Items Used

My Bullet Journal

I am keeping this bullet journal quite simple since I am really just starting to get back into it. The main layout is my monthly calendar that goes across two pages. Each square is 6×6 so I have plenty of room to write blog post ideas and other important information. In the picture above I had to cover everything in post-it notes. I used the micro for the actual calendar, but I used the Acrylograph pen for the month title. This is my first time using it and I am not to thrilled. It has great pigmentation and does not bleed at all, which is amazing. Sadly, it kept flicking the ink everywhere, which you might be able to see. It looks like paint splatter, now if that is something you like great, me not so much. I also used this pen to add some lines at the bottom of the page to get rid of of some of the dead space. Lastly, I added washi tape down the left side. This blue washi tape has gold suns and stars, green snakes, and blue leaves.

My next two spreads are pretty simple. On the left side I did a boarder around the page and labeled it Book Digest where I am going to keep a running tab of the book incoming and outgoing from my TBR. On the right side I outlines it all the same with the micron pen and labeled this one with Monthly Intent using the Acrylograph pen to make the two pages more cohesive with the calendar. My monthly intent page has the goals I set for myself in this months post you can find here, Monthly Intent. I created a checklist type setup and wrote the books I want to read, How to Think Like a Roman Emperor and Later. As well as writing the crochet project and a random thing I would like to do, which includes crocheting a poncho and creating a room spray.

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