
Hello! My name is Luna and thank-you for stopping by for a visit. I assume you are reading this little blurb because you were a little curious to learn a bit more about me. Since I could remember,  I have been surrounded by books. Mom family has always been filled with avid readers. One of the most propionate memories  I have is going once a week to my local library, which I still frequent, and take part in reading challenges thanks to my mother.

My love of reading combined with my natural love of learning led me to who I am today. I now have two degrees and continue to learn new things on my own. I always have a book on hand, it could be physical or digital. I usually will give any genre a try, but I am biased towards literary fiction, nonfiction, horror, classics and historical fiction. If you have a recommendation I would love to hear it, I always love trying to read peoples favorite novels.

If I had to describe myself in just a few words I would say: I am an avid daydreamer, book carrier and crafter. 

While my first love is reading, I am also a huge crafting person, which you will see here and there on my blog. I sometimes like to test DIYs and I am an avid crocheter, just to see if I can do it. I really love being involved with creative endeavors and trying new ones. 

*This blog does not represent/reflect my employers in any way.*

Posting Schedule

Hello all, lets talk about my posting schedule. I know many bloggers, youtubers, and individuals who post on instagram tend to have a schedule set to keep themselves accountable and so their followers know when to expect a new and exciting post. I think it is a wonderful thing. So, I wanted to inform you of my schedule.

Sundays 5:00 AM EST

Now, this is when I aim to post, that does not mean I wont be posting fun reviews, tags, and more on other days. I like to have some surprises as well.

31 thoughts on “About

  1. Your blog is so, so cute! I am almost finishing The Book Thief and I can definitely see why it is one of your favorites! I have really wanted to pick up All The Light We Can Not See for a while now…better get on it 😉

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