Bullet Journal & Planning

Bullet Journal | December 2018


Last month I sadly did not get around to sharing my bullet journal, but I am excited to get to share this months with you. I am using some of my tried and true spreads as well as trying a few new ones as well.

This month I wanted simple layouts, apart from the bonus one below, and limit my colors to pale relaxing colors. I am not sure why, but I was really craving cool tones.

Here is my main introduction page into December. I thought it would be fun to do a warm fire place because during the month of December that is the only place I want to sit, right in front of it. I also wanted to put a few simple decorations. I never go all out with decoration in real life so why would I in my bullet journal?

This is my calendar page. This is where I write all the appointments, meetings, and due dates for various things. When I took this picture it was blank, it is already totally filled. It is funny how things come flying at you all at once. I loved the little lights so I added them to the side of the page. I didn’t color them in because I wanted the purple to be the star of this page. It is such a relaxing color.

So on the left hand side is my Monthly Overview, this is where I write down all my planned posts. I am happy to say that I have some fun posts coming up this month that I am excited to share with you. Mainly my favorite and least favorite books of 2018. I cannot believe it is already time to reflect on the year.

On the right side of the page is my December TBR. It may be a bit of a sneak peak, but oh well.

This is the layout I am going to be giving a try. I kinda got inspiration from BooksandLala on Youtube for this. On the right side I am going to assign a book a color and track the days I have read it on the left hand side. If all goes to plan there should be a fun cool toned rainbow on the left hand side to show when I started, read, and finished a book using the colors and code on the right side. I am curious to see if I keep up with this or not. Only time will tell.

This is my typical tracking pages I put in my bullet journal every month. The right page is where I write the titles of the books I read and then color them in. On the right I color in a block for each chapter I read. At this time I only added the books on my TBR, more will be added because I never stick to my TBR.

I am not sure if I have shared this before, but this is the weekly spread I use. While I give a majority of the room to my weekdays. I don’t combine Saturday and Sunday because then I end up waiting to do everything on Sunday. As you can see I also have a few stickers. I track the moon cycles in my bullet journal because I always love being aware of the moon and its cycles. I always have since I was a little girl. I also have assigned days to clean, write, and do laundry which are indicated by sticks. I also do a weekly weigh in that I keep track of in my bullet journal as well.


Bonus Layout



I hoped you have enjoyed the sneak peak into my bullet journal this month. I really enjoyed how this month turned out. It is clean and calm, just what I need and wanted.

Do you use a bullet journal? What theme are you using this month?


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