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Just a Few of My Favorite Things 2022

Hello and welcome to a really random post today. I wanted to take a moment to share some of my favorite things that I have discovered this past year. All of which I bought myself! I am going to go threw a few categories of items, so be prepared for a hodgepodge of things!


Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition Essentials Bundle – I bought this bundle this year because I had to downsize and move away from physical books. So far this ereader, cover, and charging dock have worked wonderfully. It is a lot more responsive than my previous kindle and kobo as well as the screen is more sharp, at least to my eyes. I found myself reading more before bed as well.

Post-it Transparent Sticky Notes – when I did read a physical book I loved using these see-through sticky notes. I could annotate away easily without having to change my sitting position very much. Just doodled or jot down something then stuck it on the page.


Furls Streamline Resin Swirl Crochet Hooks – These are for sure an investment, but I found that this year using these work perfectly with how I naturally want to hold my crochet hook and the hand motion I use. Even when I am knitting I keep one of these on hand for when I drop a stitch.

CYPRA Interchangeable Needle Set 3.5 Inch Size – I started off knitting with larger tipped needles and I found that I knit faster and easier with shorter ones. I picked these up and I feel in love with them for a few reasons. The first being they are made of metal, I am a tight knitter so with this material I had a lot less drag on my work. The second being I was able to maneuver the needles a lot easier because they were smaller and I was not fighting them as much for smaller circumference knitting.

Tape Measure, I know this one is not glamorous and honestly any one will do. I never used a measuring tape more than when I am crocheting or knitting. I have them all over the house so I always have one on hand. If I had to pick one I really love and has held up really well it would be Clover Shiro Spring Tape, plus you can easily find it at a big box store if need be.

Daily Life

Tea/Coffee Handwarmer Ceramic Mug – You can get these amazing mugs left or right handed, but these mugs are amazing. I ended up having a bit of a collection of them. I love these because they are on the larger size, more coffee for me, but also because they keep my hands nice and toasty during a chilly morning or day. Plus, they are dishwasher and microwave safe.

My Bullet Journal, I am not really going to link something specific for this one, but I use it for EVERYTHING. I love that I can make it anything I want or need and is relaxable, especially in comparison to commercial planners. Which, please don;’t get me wrong those are amazing too if you find a layout that works for you. If you want to take a look at my bullet journal you can look at my category called, Bullet Journal Jottings, Writing & More. It is just really nice that you can take a notebook from the dollar store or a nicer one and turn it into something all your own.

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Life Style

What I Use to Budget & Financially Plan

Hello and welcome to a VERY different post. I normally don’t talk about this topic, but I thought it would be fun to show what budgeting tools work for me personally. That is not to say I am a money or budgeting professional or saying these things will work for you. These are just a combination of things that have worked for me and my lifestyle. If you want to learn about budgeting and the like, talk to a professional!

Budget Book

Legend Budget Planner is the budget book that I have been using for about a year and a half to two years at this point. What I really like about this planner, as they call it, is the fact that everything is already set up and you have plenty of room to add your bills and other expenses without wasting too many pages. It also was the first budgeting thing I activity bought for myself and it was great at helping me understand budgeting and what should go into it.

Cash Envelopes

picture of cash envelopes

Another things that has worked for me is using cash and actually seeing the money leave my pocket and wallet. I used a card for most things, but I realized I never really kept track of how much I was spending. This really puts it into perspective for me personally. This is kinda based off of Dave Ramsey’s Envelope System, but I will be honest I never really did research into this system or this person. I did however link an article about it from debt.org for you to read more on it. I mainly just say people on youtube doing it and it seemed like it worked for them so I gave it a shot so I can’t say I follow his method per se.

Pictured above you see the items that I budget, stash is just money I want to save, hobbies is for books and yarn arts or anything hobby wise I want to get, gas is for my car, groceries is for delicious foods, flow is money that I can move into any category depending on need, and essentials is things I need like shampoo, deodorant, or cleaning products. This set was made by The Average Budget. I also have used items from THandCoDesigns and MsCaliBudget and loved them.

So, these are the things that work for me personally at this point in time. It might change as my needs change, but we shall see. Do you have any budgeting tools or methods you use?

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Thanks for Reading! Sincerely, Luna

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Monthly Intent & TBR

Monthly Intent | July 2021

Hello and welcome to “new” kind of post here on my blog. In the past I just did monthly TBRs and didn’t really talk about my goals outside of this or share the things I wanted to try to get to during the month. Well, I decided to change that and post a monthly intent post to share what I intend to do over the course of the month book wise and beyond!

Reading Plans

This upcoming month I really want to read a few books, but the two I want to prioritize this month are How to Think Like a Roman Emperor by Donald Robertson and Later by Stephen King. When it comes to How to Think Like a Roman Emperor I am curious to continue looking into philosophy. I took a class when I was in school and really enjoyed it, but I have not really explored it more since. I am really hoping to chance that. As for King’s book, I really loved the last two books he wrote for hard case crime, so I am hoping that this is another great mystery penned by King.

Crochet Plans

This month I want to finally tackle a project I have been putting off. I have all the yarn for the project and everything, I just have been so intimidated by it that I keep picking up other projects first. The pattern in question is the Macchiato Crochet Poncho created by BrianaKdesigns. It is a beautiful sweater/poncho that I really want to have done for the fall months so I can wear it out and about. I have been dabaling in creating wearables this year outside of scarfs and hats and I already notice an improvement in my abilities. I am hoping I have gotten good enough to create this beautiful pattern. I ended up picking up Brava Bulky Weight Yarn in the color Sienna.

Random Goals

Something different I would love to do this month is create a room spray. I normally just buy some from the store and call it a day, but I think it would be a ton of fun to try and make one myself and really tailor it to my tastes. This is not to say that the store bought ones or bad, I tend to like most of the ones I have picked up. I just think it would be fun to mix my own or follow a guide to create a scent I really adore.

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