Knitting, Crochet & More

Great Last Min. Handmade Gifts

With all the gift giving coming up, I thought it might be a good idea to maybe share some of the last min. gifts I have made over the years. Please note, the prices of these patterns are accurate for when it was written and are subject to change.

Free Crochet

Easy Crochet Velvet Twist Headband by Tiffany Brown Ravelry | Website, this was a really fun and easy project. I really loved working with a super-soft yarn and I have actually made it with a wool based yarn as well and loved it just as much. It is nice and simple, but has just enough interest with the twist.

Crochet Velvet Infinity Scarf by Daisy Farm Crafts Website, I ended up finding this pattern to make with the headband above. The simple, but very affective stitch pattern was great. It went fast, but also kept my interest throughout.

4 Fun Stitches for Chunky Crochet Cowls by Daisy Farm Crafts Website, this is actually a four in one pattern and I made every single one. They are all great ways to try new stiches and also get something gift worthy at the same time.

Paid Crochet

Merci Cloth by TL Yarn Crafts Ravelry | Website, Sadly, I was so excited about gifting these I forgot to take a picture of them. I ended up really loving these and so did the people I gifted them to. I have even made a few replacements as well.

Jessie Stash Basket by Toni Lipsey/TL Yarn Crafts Ravelry | Website, this is a great present that is quick and easy to make. Not only that, it is great to load up with someone’s favorite snacks and treats. After that it is great to hold different things as well. I made one for myself and gifted another and I used mine to hold my TBR.

Free Knitting

Apiarist Cowl by Claire Borchardt Ravelry | Website, this was the first time I made cables and it has such great and clear instructions. It is fun and engaging and looks a lot more complicated than you would think at first glance. While it has a lot of patterning, it being a cowl is perfect for a quick gift.

Steek This Coffee Cozy by Rachel Molenaar Ravelry, this is great for two reasons. You get to practice steeking if it is something you have never done before and a person you love gets a really nice cozy for their mug. This was a hit when paired with the persons favorite tea/coffee.

Paid Knitting

Musselburgh Hat by Ysolda Teague Ravelry | Website, this is one pattern I feel like a lot of people have made. I have made multiple of these hats and they take me between a week and a week and a half. They are really great because they are double thick and you can use whatever weight you have on hand. In my case I have always used fingering weight and it was a great wayu to use that special skein of yarn I didn’t know what to do with, but I loved.

Christopher Bunny by Susan B. Anderson Ravelry | Website, this is a really cute pattern to make for a little one or just someone who really loves animals. The pattern is so detailed and has pictures throughout to guide you. I really loved this personally because I never knit a stuffed animal before this and I was not overwhelmed in the slightest. There are also video tutorials that go along with it.

I hope some of these are able to help you out with some last min, gift crocheting or knitting! I know I had a ton of fun when I made each of these. Sadly, a lot of these I made before I was keeping track of my creations by taking pictures so I don’t have pictures of share of each object. I also sometimes get so excited about gifting them I wrap them up before snapping a picture as well. OOPS!

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Knitting, Crochet & More · Lists & Recommendations

My Favorite Crochet and Yarn Arts Channels

Mr Bobvin, Crochet With Kaye, More KopyKali

These three sisters are close knit, but love to crochet! They each have their own style, but I love each and every one of them. They have podcasts, tutorials, original patters, and organizational videos that I can just watch and chill out to while I am working on my WIP. I also really love that they all mainly work with natural fibers, which is something I really want to be exploring more personally so I love watching them trying out new yarns and seeing their thoughts to see. I can seriously say that these three have pushed me outside my comfort zone and I have started to make more wearable items.

Anna Kallajian

I found Anna though her Harry Styles sweater video which was a huge thing in 2020. I really enjoyed her vlogs and just hanging out with her viewers. I think she is the first crochet youtuber I saw that was not just tutorials. Tutorials truly have their place, I use them all the time, but I can’t crochet and watch a tutorial for something else. Also, her humor is just great!

Justine Isabelle

I love her stuff because she is learning and just trying new stuff. On top of that she is not afraid to show her messing up. Her humor and honesty are great. I hate to say this, but I just love her vibe. She is very down to earth and I can just chill with her.

TL Yarn Crafts

If you want to learn tunisian crochet her tutorials are where you go. They are clear, simple, and all around VERY helpful. On top of that, she is just a ball of sunshine with a great sense of humor. Even when I am learning something and really concentrating on her tutorials I still find myself laughing here and there and honestly. If I am learning and having a good time, there is no toping that!

Yarn as a Second Language

This channel is two friends chatting about crochet and knitting. I love that these two friends have such a great dynamic and don’t take themselves seriously and just have a good time. They have fun challenges from time to time and share their viewers work as well in between their podcast. I often laugh while watching them and every video I know I am going to love!

Tiffany Liew

While I am not a knitter, I love watching her stuff. I really enjoy her positive attitude while taking part in challenges, trying new patterns, and hauling some yarn. She honestly makes me want to learn knitting, maybe in the future. Her ability to see a sweater or something she likes and just recreate it is just something I am very envious of.

Knitty Natty

This is another knitting channel I have followed for quite some times. I mainly started to follow her stuff from her declutters and yarn organization videos. She has a podcast, random yarn related videos like yarn shop tours, as well as vlogs and sock challenges! Her attitude and personality keep me coming back even though I don’t knit.

Who are your favorite yarn arts channels or bloggers?

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Let's Talk

Let’s Talk | Best Books I Have Read so Far in 2021

Hello and welcome to a little chatty post where I put together a little list of the best books I have read so far in 2021. I decided since we are already in the 6th month of the year, I would take some time this month to reflect on the year so far in a few posts throughout the month, but this is the first!

The Books

The Memory Police by Yōko Ogawa

Lady Killers by Tori Telfer (Not Pictured, Loaned Out)

White Tears/Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad (Not Pictured, Loaned Out)

Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb

Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon & Mu

What has been a few of the best books you have read so far this year?

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Lists & Recommendations

Blogmas | Let’s Talk | Best Books Of 2019

LetsTalk12:17This year I have read some pretty amazing books, I have found quite a few new favorite authors, series and stand alone novels that I really want to share with everyone. At the point of writing this, I have read 103 books this year, a lot more than I thought I would. So it was difficult to narrow down my choices down to 5, but I did manage to keep this list under 10, so that’s good. Anyway, on to thee top books I read in 2019! P.S. my favorite book of 2019 is at the bottom of the list, as they say, “Last, but not least!”

Mort (Discworld, #4)Mort by Terry Pratchett

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am kind of mad it took me so long to read a book by Terry Pratchett. The sense of humor, characters, and world are so unique and fun. His take on the character of death is really interesting and I found that even though that this is a story about Death, I laughed a bunch. Mort is a really fun and interesting character as well, it is interesting to think about how a human would react to the situation and choices he was given. It really make you think. I really enjoyed this story and I will be continuing to read the death books within the Discworld series. I don’t really know what else to say because I loved this story and if you enjoy fantasy and a good laugh, I feel like you will really enjoy this.

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Red, White & Royal BlueRed, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book made me laugh, tear up, grunt in frustration, and even sing some Panic at the Disco. This was a really enjoyable novel that is in fantasy land, but also showcases the hard discussions that people sometimes have to make. I was rooting the entire time for our main characters and for reelection.

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Smashed: Junji Ito Story CollectionSmashed: Junji Ito Story Collection by Junji Ito

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wish I had found this sooner. It is just the right mixture of good imagery and scary plots to fly through. Each story stands out on its own, even the few that are related. I can say that I really enjoyed each of the short stories in this collection, which never happens for me. I normally hate or dislike at least one. Some of these are gory so if you don’t like seeing blood, I would not recommend. I will be picking up more of his work in the near future. I am so happy I found some horror manga.

TW: Suicide
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The Tea Dragon Society (Tea Dragon, #1)The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O’Neill

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a very cute graphic novel with a very sweet message to it. On top of the wonderfully cute story, the illustration style was beautiful and just perfect for this story. If you enjoy happy feeling, cute, and wholesome stories I feel like you would really enjoy this graphic novel. The only downside was I think it was kinda rushed and I would have loved to know more about the lessons and the society.
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The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn HardcastleThe 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I found this book to be a mixture of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie and something else I cannot quite place at this time. I really liked how this book was written, it flowed really nicely and the voices of the characters were clear and definite. The way that the author was able to weave this jumping time frame is masterful! Also, I was surprised quite a few times while reading it. The ending really shocked me and I loved the twist it took.
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The Things I Would Tell You: British Muslim Women WriteThe Things I Would Tell You: British Muslim Women Write by Sabrina Mahfouz

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed the wide array of perspectives that were present in this book. Not did the editor bring together a wonderful collection of writings, the writings were created by an assortment of women of different ages as well. I felt like that created a very interesting dynamic in the writing, but also illustrated that deep feelings can be felt at any age. I felt passion and many deep emotions while reading this book. All the writers are very talented. I think my favorite, if I had to pick, would be Islamic Tinder by Triska Hamid.

On top of the quality of writing, I also enjoyed that there were different forms of writing present; short stories, poetry, and plays as well.
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The Virgin SuicidesThe Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

From the title you can tell that this book deals with the very difficult topic of suicide. If any discussion of this topic is a trigger for you, I do not recommend you picking it up. If this is not a triggering topic, I highly suggest you read it.

Having personally dealt with a family member who has gone through this, I went into this book a bit worried that it would handle the topic badly. I was very pleasantly surprised that it handled not only the girls well, but also those left behind very well. I don’t really want to say much about the story itself, but I thought the writing was well done, the characters done well, and I was very much enthralled by the plot.
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The Colorado KidThe Colorado Kid by Stephen King

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have to say this work is very different from what King normally writes, but I enjoyed it so much. I think it was a combination of where I read this book and just the way it was presented. I feel like I will be thinking about The Colorado Kid trying to picture Stephenie today. Anyway, I am glad King look at those news clippings and thought of this story. It really is interesting and makes you think.
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Favorite Book of 2019!

Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, WitchGood Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wish I had read this sooner. The characters were fun, the story thought provoking in a way, and all around a great read I read within 3 days. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys the works of the two authors, but also someone looking for an end of the world story with some interesting characters.

Update: as the end of 2019 has come to an end, I have realized that I have read this book two times this year and I often want to read it a third. It truly has a great friendship, a wonderfully inventive storyline, and great humor. This is my favorite book I have read in 2019.
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What was your favorite read or reads of 2019?

Do you have a book you think I should read next year?

Are any of these books on your list?


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Bullet Journal & Planning

Bullet Journal | New Bujo & November Set Up


Hello and welcome to my new bullet journal! I am so excited to be sharing with you how I decided to see it up and the spreads I migrated over. It is really interesting how over time the spreads you need change, that is just the most wonderful thing about bullet journals, they change with you. Anyway, I don’t want to write a huge introduction because I have a ton of pictures to share!

This time around I decided to stick with an Archer and Olive A5 notebook. The main reason being the page quality and I really enjoy the fact that the pages are crispy white as well. I personally do not use an index so not having page numbers is not a big deal. What I need is good quality paper, good binding, a pen loop, and roughly enough pages to get me through 4-6 months. This note book has all of that for me, a nice bonus is the beautiful cover. I found a Tombow marker in the shade 837 that matched the cover pretty darn well and I am using that during the set up as well as November.

I am not a big number person, but I love to celebrate milestone. I had this page in my previous bullet journal and I updated it normally towards the end of the month. As you can see I already needed to update a few since creating this spread. I do have an instagram, but quite frankly instagram normally just stays the same and it is more for me than anything.

These spreads I feel like are going to be used and reference a lot over the next few weeks. I decided to put my buddy read picks and order for Jenna, Amy, Reg and myself because if I don’t write them down I never remember. It is also a fun memory. Underneath this I have decided to start to watch the Outlander series instead of just reading it. I decided to put a little progress tracker because I don’t watch a ton of TV so I tend to forget my progress in shows if they aren’t on netflix or prime since those services keep track for me. On the right I just redid my 2019 goals spread that was in my previous bujo.

I decided to also keep my grid spacing page as well as my period tracker. I did not add the 1/2 and 1/4 points because it was a lot of work that I never really references because my spreads were never broken up like that. Having the number of boxes across and down is more useful for me.

Next and one of my more important spreads is my TBR. I have a box on the left of each title which tracks whether I have started, read, or unhauled/DNFed a book. On the right of the book title there are four boxes with checkmarks. These are codes for audiobooks since all of these books are already owned via print or ebook. A means it is available on audible, S means it is available on Scribed, * means I own it, L means my library has it. This is all for reference so I can decide which books to listen to on my commute to and from work.

I have added a new Read 5, Buy 1 to this bujo, but I am putting this on hold until the new year because I tend to get books for the holidays and it would throw this off a bit. But, I love being prepared so I added it now.

Now we are on to November, I was one again influenced by Plant Based Bride over on youtube. She shared this printable on the left and I just loved the cozy feel and on the right I used more of her doodles to decorate a shelf above the monthly calendar.

Next I have my habit tracker, which is a layout I have been loving over the past few months. This month I decided to track sleeping 7 hours or more, meditation, reading, vitamins, tidying, and nature time. On the right I have a social media tracker to track when I am meant to post on my blog, but I will also mark when I upload to instagram. On the bottom you can see my blog post tracker. On the left is the date, PWS is from my previous bujo, which means pictures, write, schedule. Just so I can track my progress and stay on top of my posts. I really loved doing this last month so I am looking forward to using this again.

So this month I am going back to my old book tracker, I have realized I don’t really care how many pages a day I read, but more so how long it is taking me to read a book. So, if you have not seen this spread before. On the left I will use a color that represents a book and I will color in the blocks next to the days I read that particular book. You can see this filled out in my post called Bullet Journal | May 2019. On the right I used another one of Plant Based Bride print, I thought it was a nice reminder to do things that make you happy and feel good inside.

Next up is my TBR, which I talked about in my TBR post, TBR | November 2019. If you have not noticed already I decided to use the N from the first page of the month as a guide to decorate the titles of each page. I thought it would help tie everything together.

Those are my weekly spreads. I decided to try something new again. I was watching Plant Based Brides November set up and I thought it looked so functional and simple and for me that is the best when setting up my weeklies as of late so I can focus on the items on the page instead of the fluff.

Anyway, this is my new bujo and my November set up! I hope you enjoyed this little peak!

What theme are you using this month?

What do you track on your habit tracker?


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Knitting, Crochet & More · Let's Talk

Let’s Talk | To Do Lists


Hello everyone, happy to have you hear. Today I am going to be talking about to do lists. If you follow me on twitter, you know I love a good to do list. Nearly every weekend I post a twitter thread that looks something like this:

Todays To Do

  • laundry 🧺
  • start current read📚
  • organize my desk🗃

Throughout the day I make additions to the thread and update my progress as I move through the tasks. There are a few reasons as to why I share this on twitter. The first being it keeps me accountable. If I share it with others I will be more likely to follow through or do as much as I can. The second being I love being organized. If I have a clear path I tend to get through my tasks faster because I don’t forget and I don’t waste time time trying to remember.

A few weeks ago I was curious to see if anyone else enjoyed or regularly used to do lists or if I was just someone who is very overly organized. Twenty two people filled out my twitter poll and I got the following results.

I was happy to see that 64% of those who answered did work off of to do lists and another 22% use them from time to time. Now I wanted to take a look at why we use to do lists and maybe the type of to do list we follow.

I think one of the most popular “to do” lists we use in the book community it a TBR. I know, hear me out. TBR is a to be read list or pile we have either in our homes, in our notebooks, on our devices, or on our websites. But, it is a to do list. Is it really that different from a list of items we need to get done that we slowly work through, but everyday we could add a few more items. Essentially it just keeps going on forever. Sounds just like a TBR if you ask me.

Other to do lists revolve around things we need to do, these could be chores, tasks, or maybe even places we need to go. But, there are a bunch of different formats that can be used for this. You could work off of a daily, a weekly, seasonal or even a yearly list. I know I mainly used a daily, seasonal, or yearly list.

In the picture above you can see an old picture of my yearly goals or to do list dealing with my reading. I am slowly checking off the items I complete and I hope to get them all done before December 31st. On the other page I have the start of my Summer to do list, which I also work through slowly, but steadily.

I think the ones I reference and use the most is a daily to do list. I write these down either in my bullet journal on a particular day or start a thread on twitter such as the one below.

Now, I am really curious what type of to do list do you regularly use and what format you keep track of it. Do you use an app like trello or notes in your phone? Write it on a little pad or in a notebook? Do you find them useful or do you just do things as you realize they need to be done? Do you maybe keep them for work, home, or reading?


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Lists & Recommendations

#Blogoween | Top 5 Non-Horror Halloween Movies



Thursday 18th: Top 5 Non-Horror Halloween Movies
Which are your 5 favourite Halloween movies that aren’t horrors?

Nightmare Before Christmas

Image result for Nightmare Before Christmas

This has always been one of my favorite Halloween/Christmas movies. I think I “borrowed” it from my friend for nearly 3 years and watched it at least 100 times. I say borrow because I would return it ever weekend and then ask to borrow it again. But, the amount that I had it I pretty much owned it at that point. It has wonderful animation, great songs, and can be creepy without being scary. Also, look at the cover of the movie, does the Pumpkin King not look epic?


Image result for halloweentown

Halloweentown is a very interesting Disney movie. As you can see from the cover it comes across as lively and bubbly. There are bright colors and grandma is smiling bright as can be. While the town is just beautiful and those who like in halloween times are just as bright and fun. Bad things start to happen, this is a wonderful movie that will get you into the spirt and excited for the holiday.

Hocus Pocus

Image result for hocus pocus

I am pretty sure at this point Hocus Pocus is a cult classic. I mean you cannot enter into fall without hearing about the Sanderson Sisters. I really do enjoy this movie. I like that it starts with a tale from long in MA past. There is town folklore that was even created for this movie, which adds even more to the feeling of Halloween. I enjoy that there are times of humor, worry, and surprise. I also enjoy that there are more than just witches in this movie.

Tower of Terror

Image result for Tower of Terror movie cover

While Tower of Terror is not traditionally a Halloween movie, I really like watching it this time of year. It has ghosts, creepy histories, and an abandoned hotel. There are missing individuals and a party that keeps reliving the past. It has ghost investigators, but also has some good humor and can be heartfelt as well. It is a great one to watch this time of year.

Corpse Bride

Image result for corpse bride

This love story has amazing animation and a great atmosphere that is perfect for Halloween. It is dark and eerie. There are ghosts, talking corpses, and a few misunderstands. There is crime, murder, and a sad story. All of these aspects really make it something I gravitate towards this time of the year. Also, another bonus is the fact that it is set in the past. That always makes things more interesting to me.


What non-horror Halloween movie is your favorite?


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Lists & Recommendations

Lists | Lowest Rated Books on My TBR


Hello and welcome to the second post this week dealing with my TBR. On Tuesday I talked about the 5 highest rated books on my TBR, now lets talk about the lowest rated books on my TBR. I think I am more curious to see this outcome mainly because I am curious if they are actually rated low or just on the low side of average.

For me anything under 2.7 is rated low on Goodreads, anything more than this in my eyes is average, enjoyable, and I could easily see myself liking. Obviously, there are books that go outside of this guideline, but this is a general view. Now, to the books!


The Honey Farm by Harriet Alida Lye

The Honey Farm
Rating: 3.38
I picked this book up during the original OWLs readathon and I ended up putting it on hold because I did not see myself finishing it in time. So part of my me sees why this is rated on the lower side, but it is still rated very well for being the lowest rated book.

After the Fireworks: Three Novellas by Aldous Huxley

After the Fireworks: Three Novellas

Rating: 3.45

This classic is a combination of novellas by Aldous Huxley. I have noticed that story collections tend to be rated lower than ones that stand alone so I can see why this might be rated lower. Also, this is written by a man that passed away in the 1960s many older books happen to be rated lower as well. So with those two things stacked against it I can say that having that rating is still very good.


Gerald’s Game by Stephen King

Gerald's Game

Rating: 3.48

I actually got this book as a present so I never really looked at the description if I am to be honest. I did like the cover and since I tend to enjoy his works I am hoping I end up liking this one as well. Fingers crossed!


The Tommyknockers by Stephen King

The Tommyknockers

Rating: 3.5

So, this one I had a good feeling would be on this list. The main reason being is because Stephen King himself said it was not his best work and that he felt like it went on too long. When he wrote this novel he was deep into addiction. While I am curious to see if it is as bad as he says, I am worried. Divider

The Last Equation of Isaac Severy by Nova Jacobs

The Last Equation of Isaac Severy

Rating: 3.61

So this book is rated nearly a 4, should I even say this is rated low? Either way, I am very happy to see that it is rated nearly a 4 since I picked it as my Book of the Month pick a few months ago. As soon as I read the description I knew I needed to have it.


Over all my lowest rated books on my TBR aren’t actually that low and it has not deterred me from wanted to keep these books on my TBR in the slightest.

What book have you rated the lowest?


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Lists & Recommendations

Lists| Highest Rated Books on My TBR


So, this weeks posts are going to be pretty basic and written very far in advance. As it turns out as you are reading this I am preparing to go away or I am already away on vacation. I am lucky enough to be able to go on vacation for the first time in YEARS, but I did not want to leave you guys without content so this week I am going to talk about my TBR and the books on it.

Today’s post is going to be listing the 5 top rated books that I have on my owned TBR. I am excited to see which ones are rated the highest.


A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #2)

Rating: 4.7

This is a second book in a series, so I am not going to post the description here because I rather not spoil anything. I have read this in part already, but I need to finish it up ASAP before I forget everything that has happened.


The Heart’s Invisible Furies by John Boyne

The Heart's Invisible Furies

Rating: 4.47

I read the first chapter of this a while ago in a try a chapter post, Let’s Talk | Try a Chapter April 2018 and I loved the first chapter so I can see why it rated so highly.


Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1)

Rating: 4.37

I keep hearing awesome things about this novel and when I saw that audible was having a sale I picked this up for what felt like a steal. I am very happy to see that it is rated so highly and I hope to get to it in the near future. I think we should start a count on how many times I say, “I hope to get to this soon” or phrases along those lines.


East of Eden by John Steinbeck

East of Eden

Rating: 4.36

I read this many, many years ago and I remember liking it. Sadly, I do not remember anything that happened because it was so long ago and it was for study instead of for enjoyment. I have realized a lot of books I have read in a school setting I don’t remember as long as when I read things for pleasure. Divider

The Stand by Stephen King

The Stand

Rating: 4.34

This monster of a novel, I mean it is a Stephen King novel what else should I expect? I bought this many a few months ago and I am reading his books in order I acquire them. Since I have quite a few I need to get to I will not read this until most likely next year. I am excited to see that it is rated so highly.

DividerWhat is the highest rated book on your TBR?


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Lists & Recommendations

Lists | Un-listened to Audiobooks


So if you are new here, my name is Luna and I love audiobooks. I have been listening to them for years. For me, they are reading and they count. When I listen to an audiobook I actually absorb more information. I am not sure if it is because I am more engaged in the story or it is because that is my strength. Either way, that is just how my brain works.

So, over the years I have listened to audiobooks on cassettes (yes, I have listened to audiobooks for that long), CDs OverDrive, and through audible. Since having a subscription to audible and loved ones gifting me credits, I am fortunate enough to have an abundance.  Over the years I have not gotten to quite a few of the audiobooks, 16 in fact.  So, I thought it would give me a bit incentive to share some of the older audiobooks I own, but have yet to read.



Which one should I read first?


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